
Friday, July 21, 2017

A Whole Year

I can hardly believe it.

A whole year has gone by.
Yes, today marks the 1-year anniversary of my blog.  On July 21st, 2016, I published my first blog post.
So, first of all, I want to thank Ashleigh for getting me started in the blogging world!!  Ashleigh, thank you SO MUCH for giving me the opportunity of using your blog.  It helped me catch a glimpse of what blogging was like.
And, A huge shout-out to all of y'all who've been following/commenting me since the beginning!  Y'all are the best.

Secondly, y'all may have noticed the first words of this post.  Yup, that's right; along with a new blogging year comes a change.  That means I will no longer be using my 'hi people' greeting.  I decided that I want a little bit of leeway for creativity. ;P

So, just as something extra, I thought I would share my favorite post from each month of the past year.



Baby Calves





January 2017:

2016 Bookish Recap Tag


(Well, there was only 2 posts that month. XD)





Well, that's all folks!

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Wheat Harvest... Among Other Things (My Silly Sis)

Hi people!

Wheat harvest was like, over a month ago.  And I realized that I still haven't done a post about it.
So.  In order to get a fresh perspective on the subject, I have my sister here beside me.
Say hello, Squirt.

heelloo, and I'm not Squirt. :P

Well, you're Squirt to me.  But for this blog, what do you want me to call you?

Kara will suffice for now.

Ok then, thank you.  Now.  Kara, would you agree with me if I said that wheat harvest is one of the highlights of the farming year for our family?

You can call me Squirt if I can call you Thelma Lou.

Um, sure. XD
Well then, Squirt, back to the subject.  What is your favorite part of wheat harvest?

Ok Thelma Lou. XD
Hmm... Thats a hard one... Probably riding in the combine with Daddy while listening to Adventures in Odyssey.

 Or getting free pop at the co-op.  Or... singing with Kordell in the grain cart tractor. XD

Of course you would say those things.
I love riding in the combine too, and Odyssey is great, but when it comes to deciding what to do while riding, you can't beat a good book.

A BOOK!!!!
Ohhhhhh NO.  Books are for riding in the truck ONLY.
When you are bored.  And have nothing else to do.

Yeah no.  You just don't appreciate the finer things, Squirt.

Oh Thelma Lou you don't appreciate the finer things.  Like... horses.

Meh.  Horses are fun to ride, but I'm not obsessed about them like you are.

Thelma, Thelma, Thelma.  You're the one that gave me a horse book for Christmas.

I know. That doesn't mean I have to like them, does it?

No, but you can get me another one next Christmas!

*shakes head* Yeah, we'll see about that.  

Speaking of horses what is your favorite breed????
I like Paints, Appaloosas and Quarter Horses.  Shires are pretty cool too.
Did you know that the biggest Shire was like, 18 hands tall at the withers (its shoulders)?

Uh... well, I don't know anything about horses, but Appaloosas are pretty.  
And, 18 hands is how tall?

About 6 feet-ish.

...Wow.  That's a big horse.
Well, back to wheat harvest...


Don't give me that look.  You like wheat harvest!

I also like burritos.  That doesn't mean I talk about them all the time.

I like books.  And I do talk about them all the time. B-)

I noticed.  So can I start talking about horses all the time?!?!


Minion gif war!

Well... okay.  But this post is getting long, so let's not go too long. ;P



That poor minion. ;P
This is one of my favorites!!!! :D ;P

Oh goodness. XD


Ok, that's enough gifs. XD
Thanks for coming, Squirt!  Say goodbye.


Uh... yeah... bye, Squirt.
Well, this was supposed to be a post about wheat harvest, and I suppose there was a fair amount of pics... well, I hope y'all enjoyed! XD
~Kaitlyn (and Kara!!!!)

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

God Bless America

Hi people!

The 4th of July has come.

To start the post off with a little humor...

Now.  On to the more serious stuff. ;)

Why do you love America?
I love America not only because of the beautiful scenery, but... it's a place to worship God freely and without fear.  
President Trump's slogan is "Make America Great Again".
But really, the one with that slogan should be God.
Lord, make America great again!

God Bless America, 
Land that I love. 
Stand beside her, and guide her 
Thru the night with a light from above. 
From the mountains, to the prairies, 
To the oceans, white with foam 
God bless America, My home sweet home.


Sunday, July 2, 2017

Random Title (Because I Can't Think of Anything Better) {May/June Recap}

Hi people!

I missed May's recap, 'cause over the change in months we were out of internet for two weeks after a hailstorm knocked it out.
So, instead of doing a recap really late, I decided to combine May and June into one.
So, without further ado:


-My bro's graduation. (Goodness, time goes by quickly!)

-I got Pinterest.  I'm having lots of fun with it!! :D

-I began rewriting the first story I ever wrote (besides fan fiction), Tucker's Revenge.  And cringing the whole way.  I started the first draft about 3 years ago.

-Spent 2 hours planting trees with Kordell and my sister, who was yodeling almost constantly.
Kordell: is she like this all the time?
Me: *thinks about how much she talks* yup.

-I had a chat with a blogging friend one night:
K: Y'know… What happens when you get scared half to death twice?
L: you die.
K: There you go.  Stop scaring me with all your heartbreak.  It'll kill me.
K: YES And then it'll have a pic of me lying peacefully in my casket lined with y'all's books.
L: I feel like I need to make a design of a newspaper that has that as the headline and send it to J and F XD And be like, "Uh, K read too many of our stories..."

-My sis became slightly obsessed with stopping along the side of the road to pick wildflowers.

-My bro found this Christmas Eve program from 1980 in the attic at church. 

-Just when I thought our spring rains were pretty much over, we got a couple more storms (one of them being the hailstorm).

-Mom, Kordell, my sis & I went to a Moriah Peters/Chris August concert. It was AMAZING.

Moriah Peters
Chris August
After the concerts, the singers were kind enough to stick around and talk to people.  I had them sign my shirt. :)
-Some of us went to a symphony concert.  I'd never been to a symphony before, but I loved it! :D

One of the songs they did was the theme song for The Magnificent Seven; it sounded exactly like in the movie!
-The guys stacked square bales

-We had VBS, Passport to Peru as the theme.  Exhausting, but super fun. :D
As we were getting ready for VBS one morning, my sister turned to me and randomly said, "Kaitlyn, you're like a chocolate chip muffin, and I'm like a donut.  I'm just a little sweeter than you."
Love you too, Sis. XD

-For Father's Day, we took a trip to the Cosmosphere!!

-I spent a day with Kordell, baling and hauling bales. (You can read a post about that here)

-My dad got an iPhone after only having a flip phone.  It was quite hilarious to watch him have a hayday with his gif keyboard.  When going out to cut wheat, he said, "I'm just gonna sit in the truck all day and send gifs to people." No, he wasn't serious. XD

-Wheat harvest, one of the highlights of the year.

-Mom made bagel sandwiches for the first time, and y'all, they're AMAZING.

-On the way home from a musical, we stopped by Um's. (Yes, Um's.  That's what the sign said.)

-My sis and I about died laughing while doing the 'not my arms' challenge while clearing the table.

-We also laughed our heads off playing the game 'Speak Out'.  Don't know the game?  Look up videos on YouTube and you'll understand. B-)

Since I'm combining the recap, these are books that I've read both in May and June.

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson: 1 star
The Touch of Polly Tucker by Bertha Moore: 3 stars
Autumn's Grace by Sara Meisinger: 4 stars
Andi Saddles Up by Susan K. Marlow: 5 stars
Andi Under the Big Top by Susan K. Marlow: 5 stars
My Brother Sam is Dead by James & Christopher Collier: 2.5 stars
Austin of the Air Force by Dan Senseney: 4 stars
Dirt Track Summer by William Campbell Gault: 4.5 stars
The Man in Bearskin by J. Keuning: 3.5 stars
The Doctor's Return by Ken Anderson: 3.5 stars
Marty by Nancy Wiley: 3.5 stars
My Father's World by Michael Phillips & Judith Pella: 5 stars
Daughter of Grace by Michael Phillips & Judith Pella: 4 stars
On the Trail of the Truth by Michael Phillips & Judith Pella: 5 stars
A Place in the Sun by Michael Phillips & Judith Pella: 3.5 stars
The Clue in the Diary by Carolyn Keene: 3 stars
Sea to Shining Sea by Michael Phillips: 4.5 stars
 Sir Kendrick and the Castle of Bel Lione by Chuck Black: 5 stars
Sir Bentley and Holbrook Court by Chuck Black: 5 stars
Sir Dalton and the Shadow Heart by Chuck Black: 5 stars
Lady Carliss and the Waters of Moorue by Chuck Black: 5 stars
Sir Quinlan and the Swords of Valor by Chuck Black: 5 stars
Sir Rowan and the Camerian Conquest by Chuck Black: 4.5 stars
Jason's Gold by Will Hobbs: 3.5 stars
Down the Yukon by Will Hobbs: 3 stars

Faith had another Imagine This challenge, so this snippet is from my entry.  To read the rest, go here.

The day had finally come: Jonas was leaving.  My heart ached as we drove to the airport.  It seemed so natural, the three of us together.  As if it would go on like this forever.  I glanced into the backseat where I could just see our daughter’s head over the back of her carseat.  She was such a contented, happy baby.  She looked just like her father, with her bright blue eyes and brown hair.  
When I faced forward again, my eyes misted over, and I blinked rapidly to keep my tears at bay.  It was certainly a good thing that Jonas was the one driving; I probably would’ve had us in a ditch by now.
“Miss me already?” He took his eyes off the road for a moment to smile softly at me.  
I pressed my lips tightly together.  He knew the answer, and to speak would only make me cry.  My father, being a salesman, often traveled, leaving my mom, three siblings, and I at home.  Each time we took him to the airport, Mom would hold his hand, caress it, and say, “I miss you already.”
I sometimes wondered what she meant.  How could you miss someone when they were right there with you?  And now… I sniffed.  I knew exactly how my mother felt.
But Jonas wasn’t going to be gone for just a few days like my father was.  He was going to be gone for months.  And only God knew if I’d ever get to see him again.
We pulled into the airport.  It was a mess of people rushing around, cars coming and going, planes taking off and landing. Jonas is leaving, I thought, and the world goes on.  They don’t care what he’s doing.  God, why does he have to leave?  He’s just one of the many soldiers that will be forgotten to all but those who love him.  He’s going to fight for all these people, yet they won’t give him so much as a second glance.  I don’t know if I can give him up; make me strong, Lord.

I realized that I never put a pun in April's recap! So you get three this time. ;)

I thought the ball was coming closer; then it hit me.

Breaking news: board snaps in half

I don't think anyone in heaven has hair—there's no parting there.

In honor of Memorial Day...

And, in honor of the start of Summer:

Well, that's all folks!