
Friday, April 28, 2017

A Talk With My Twin: Birthday Edition

Hi people!

Yup, it's time for another talk with my twin!
Hello Kordell, and thanks for joining me again today!

Hullo and your welcome

Um... I'll try to ignore you're terrible punctuation and grammar.


Wait... did you just stick your tongue out at me?!

Why yes I did and thank you for noticing 

*eyeroll* Yeah sure whatever.
So.  Do you know why I asked you to do this post with me, Little Jim?

Ummm.... because I'm special

I'm not sure how to reply to that.

For once I have you speechless

Don't count on it, buddy.
But anyway, no, that's not exactly why I asked you to do this with me.
It's our birthday!! (As if you didn't already know this.)

Oh yeah it is isn't it

Don't play dumb.  You know it is.
So, what is your favorite birthday that we've had?

That's like... that's like... that's like... *groans* that's like trying to choose between deer hunting or turkey hunting

No comment.

Once again I have you speechless

Ha, nice try.
Well then, since you can't think of anything, I'll start out with one of my favorites.
Do you remember our 6th birthday?


We really wanted a cowboy-themed birthday party.  So we invited a bunch of our church friends, and their older siblings came along to be bucking broncos and wild bulls and such.


Don't you have anything to say about that?  What was your favorite birthday?  You never answered me.

I don't know

What's one of your favorite birthday traditions?

No school and getting to pick the foods I eat

Ohh, yes, although that's one of the downfalls of being a twin: you have to agree on the food, 'cause Mom isn't going to cook what we want for two days.  She tried that once. XD

I don't remember that, and I think she ought to try that again

Of course you do.
In honor of our birthday, Kordell, please list three or more random things about yourself that people may not know.

I love tacos, I love hamburgers, I love bacon, I love brenig (referred to in this post)

Oh goodness. XD
Well... thank you for that very... enlightening piece of information.
Now I'll list three (or more) things about myself.
1. I'm not very fond of jewelry (not that I have anything against it, I just don't care for wearing it much).
2. I love aquariums (at least, I did last time I went to one).
3. I'm not really fond of cooking.

Are we about done

Wipe that devious little smirk off your face.
Thank you.
But yes, I think this post is long enough.  Before we go, do you have anything else you'd like to add, Kordell?

Ummm... I like my cows

And thank you for that very random piece of information.

Just ask anytime, I'd be happy to oblige you

Yeah... sure.
Well, thanks for coming, Kordell!  And happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday and goodbye

Well people, thanks for joining us for this very... interesting conversation. XD

Sunday, April 23, 2017

The Liebster Award

Hi people!

Faith from Chosen Vessels tagged me for the Liebster Award—thank you, Faith! ;)

The Rules:
-Link back to the person that tagged you (check!)
-Answer the eleven questions.
-Tag eleven bloggers, and let them know you tagged them.
-Ask your tagged bloggers eleven questions.


1.) What made you want to start a blog?

Probably seeing all the other tags/interactions between other bloggers.  It made me want to join. ;)

2.) What does your first name mean?

3.) Did you know when you were younger what you wanted to be/do when you grew up? Do you know or have any idea now what you want to do?

Um, not really, aside from the fact that I wanted to be just like my mama. ;)
Now?  Actually, I don't know.  Sometimes I feel like I want to be a writer, sometimes a graphic designer, sometimes a musician.  We'll see what God has planned for me.

4.) If you could see yourself from someone else's perspective, who's perspective would you choose and why? (It could be a family member's, a friend's, your local librarian's, etc.)

Um… oh boy.  That's a tough question. ;P
I'll say… the little kids that I like to play with.  Not necessarily any one in particular, but… I'd like to know what they think of the crazy teenager that messes around with them. ;)

5.) What was the last book you read? What was your opinion of it? Did you like it, or not so much?

The last book I read was Where the Lilies Bloom by Vera and Bill Cleaver.  I enjoyed it, though the style was a bit different from what I'm used to and therefore I wouldn't want to read it every day.

6.) What was the last movie you watched? What was your opinion of it? Did you like it, or no?

From Google
"Last Ounce of Courage".  It was AMAZING, and I would HIGHLY recommend it!!

7.) What is your favorite movie adaptation of a book?

From Google
"Swiss Family Robinson".  I've seen that movie several times, and it never grows old.  Especially the part with fighting the pirates. ;)

8.) What quote (from a book, movie, or YouTube video) do you find yourself saying often?

"How 'bout no."  
Yes, that is really a quote from a YouTube video that a friend once showed me.

9.) If you could live in any other previous time period, which one would you choose?

Uh… probably 1800's.  That's when a lot of the westerns took place, you'll remember. ;)

10.) What would you consider your favorite thing to do in your free time? What do you ACTUALLY end up doing in your free time? 

Do I have to pick just ONE favorite?  How 'bout no. B-)
I'll give three favorites: Reading, writing, and watching old westerns. 
And, that's a lot of what I end up doing during my free time, along with writing emails, chatting with friends, and blogging.

11.) What is one thing that you always want people to remember about you after you're gone?

I lived, I laughed, I loved.  And that "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.  Finally, there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the Righteous Judge, with give to me on that day, and not to me only, but also to all who have loved His appearing."

I Tag:

Shhh, I know that's not 11 bloggers.  Who's counting?

The Questions:
1: What is your favorite hobby?
2: What does your first name mean?
3: What is your favorite family memory?
4: What's your personality type?
5: If you had the opportunity to have a 4-course meal, all with foods you choose, what would the meal consist of?
6: Would you rather have a pet dolphin or a pet bear?
7: What's one random thing about you that few people know?
8: What's your favorite holiday?
9: What quote (from a book, movie, or YouTube video) do you find yourself saying often?
10: If you could live in any other previous time period, which one would you choose?
11: If you could see yourself from someone else's perspective, who's perspective would you choose and why? (It could be a family member's, a friend's, your local librarian's, etc.)


Sunday, April 16, 2017

He is Risen!!

Hi people!

Happy Easter!!  :D

Friday, April 14, 2017

The Mystery on the Train: Release and Author Interview

Hi people!
Tomorrow, a fellow blogger's going to release her first-ever book, The Mystery on the Train!

About the book:

Gorgeous cover!
Ten-year-old Scarlet Paddleburrow is off to a prestigious boarding school in New York. But first, she has to travel there - by train. Along the way, she meets a new friend - Kat Davids, who is also going to the same school. The two girls become fast friends, and spend most of the day together.

When mysterious and frightening things start happening, a chain of events throws Scarlet and Kat smack in the middle of the a mystery.

Who is sabotaging the train and trying to scare the passengers? And why? It’s up to Scarlet - with the help of her new friend - to find out.

The Mystery on the Train is the first book in The Scarlet Paddleburrow Mystery Series, for girls ages 8-12.

About the author:

Lydia Dyslin is a Christian, homeschooled author living in the state of New Hampshire. When she’s not writing, she enjoys reading, sewing, playing the piano, or spending time with friends. She lives with her parents, her sister Jo, and her two cats, Twilight and Twinkle.
You can read more about her at her blog: Through the Wardrobe.

Author Interview:

1: What inspired you to write The Mystery on the Train?
I love an old mystery series for girls called Trixie Belden. I thought it was so different from anything I had read before - like Nancy Drew or the Hardy Boys, which had been the only exposure I had to detective stories at that time. I wanted to write something like that, something girls could relate to more. So, I started The Mystery on the Train.

2: How long did it take you to write the book?
About a year, from writing the first draft to editing the final draft. Of course, I took a long break in-between writing the first draft and editing.

3: Who is your favorite character, and why?
Probably Scarlet, the main character - I've put a lot of work behind-the-scenes on her character (which will be shown more in later books.)

4: Do you feel that any of the characters represent you?
 I'm the most similar to Kat. I'm a little more on the girly side, and I even have blue eyes and short blonde hair, haha!

5: What is the purpose behind the book?
 When people finish the book, I want them to be enthralled with not only the story, but fall in love with the characters. I want younger girls to be as delighted with my story as I was with Trixie Belden. 

Thanks for answering the questions, Lydia, and congratulations on your book's release!!