
Saturday, July 28, 2018

Happy Birthday Moby!

You remember that one person in your life who would come visit your family from hours away, and they'd always pay special attention to each one of you and your siblings instead of just talking with the adults all the time?
For me, that's my Aunt Moby.
The energetic aunt that taught us the words and signs to the song Our God is an Awesome God, the aunt that spent countless hours picking mulberries with me and my cousins when we'd all be here in the summer, the aunt that let us climb up her legs and do flips when we were little, and the aunt that loves reading as much as I do.
Moby, do you remember all those times we played Battling Tops?  And Uno?  And all that time spent playing Simon Says?  Oh, and you & Kara playing Twister and ending up on the floor at the same time?
You love playing pranks.  Remember when you put that case of our pop in our oven, and that was the one day that we didn't check our oven before turning it on?
But we love tricking you too.  You've always been so easy to scare.  And remember when Sasquatch put Vaseline on your glasses?
So many memories.  Good times.
Happy birthday, Moby!  I love you! <3

1 comment:

  1. Aww, this is so sweet!! <3 Low-key cackling over the case of pop... xD


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