
Saturday, July 21, 2018

Cute Things

Am I the only one that loves baby animals?
Granted, I'm not exactly an animal person.  I'm more of a cuddle-them-when-I-feel-like-it kind of person.  But they're still adorable.
Some of Chowboy's goats had kids!  Lady & Liam, Daily & Vincent, and Savannah & Sidney.  The guy isn't too bad at naming goats.  Though he doesn't usually like my ideas, so he obviously needs a little help. 
Anyway, my sister-in-law Ashleigh now has kittens at her house!  Petey, the cat they thought was a boy, had a litter... yes, her husband renamed her.  No, it's not a girl name.  He actually called her Simon Peter. 
I'll stick with Petey.
Also, Kordell got a new bucket calf!  The dude's name is Jarvis, and he's quite the looker.

I have to admit, though, none of these pictures were taken by me, sadly.  However, Chow, Kara and Ash are both quite capable.

 I'm not exactly what you'd call a cat person... but I must admit that the kitties are adorable.

Yes, I told Ashleigh it looks like she's strangling the poor thing.  Pretty sure she's not, though.  I hope.
At first I said this one should be named Greg... and then was quickly reminded that this one is a girl.  Oops.

Daily is a handful.  He's not quite so fond of being held.
On the other hand, as the largest, Vincent is also super gentle.  I like to call him Vince.

Isn't Savannah the cutest?!

Sadie's a good mama.

Lastly, Jarvis.  He kinda stole my heart.


  1. They are all so cute! But I agree Savannah and Javis are cutest! :)

  2. So cute! The little goats are adorable!

  3. animals are just so cute! Especially kittens.=)

  4. Oh my woordddd, they are so cute!! <3 Savannah is absolutely precious. <33

  5. Aww! I love baby animals!!!! They are sooo cute! <3


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