
Saturday, July 14, 2018

Six Reasons to Get a Writing Partner

If you're a writer, chances are that you've got someone (or someones) close to you from which you gain input for your stories.  That way you don't have to rely on your own biased opinion.
Y'know what? Acquiring a writing partner was probably the best writing decision I've ever made.
If you're not a writer, I guess you can just ignore this whole post.  I'll be back next week with a post that isn't writing-related (yes, Chowboy & Kordell, something 'interesting')!
And if you don't have a writing partner, I strongly suggest you get one.  Why?  Well...

1. Epic Advice
So, yeah, it's super hard to let others read your writing.  At first.  But then it gets easier.  And boy, is it worth it.  Advice for stories is invaluable.  I can't tell you how many times I've sent my partner a message screaming about some plot idea or a different character background or new plot twists.  And she's always ready to laugh at my enthusiasm, and give her always-epic opinion on my thoughts.

2. Inside Jokes
C'mon, you gotta admit that inside jokes are amazing.  Someone says something offhand and you and your partner both think of the exact same thing about your writing and you both just start laughing.
Or you say something random that happens to strike your partner as hilarious so you bring it up every once in awhile, or you put it discreetly in your stories.
Just don't kill your characters, okay?  You can maim them.  Or change their name.  Just don't kill the poor things.

3. Honesty
I guess this could be lumped under the 'advice' category... but this is a critical point of writing partners.  I'm so grateful that my partner isn't afraid to tell me when she thinks my ideas could use a little help.  Thankfully, it doesn't happen too often.  But often enough to keep me humble.

4. Encouragement
Just when you're ready to toss your manuscript across the room, out the window, or into a fire, your partner is always the one ready to calm you down and give you a pep talk.  Because while you're convinced that your work is a piece of trash, they're the ones that see the potential and convince you that, even though you're ready to curl up in a ball and make the thing write or edit itself, they do need this story and you'd better get the finished product to them quickly.
Or else.
Or they might just grin and say "you can do it!" but what's the fun in that when screaming at you and threatening you with the death of your favorite character in their story is more effective?
But... well... either way, you really should write the thing.  Because then you can get it over with once and for all.  Which is the best and worst thing for a writer.

5. It Goes Both Ways
Not only do you get advice on your own work, but you get to give advice on your partner's!  You get to both read a free story and give your opinion to your heart's content.  It's a win-win!
And you get to try to convince your partner to publish.  Because it's what partners do. *smirks*

6. Friendship
Since this person is already used to you going on and on and on about things, they're naturally trained to listen to you.  So if you ever need anyone to talk to, they're always available.  And they just might be able to relate more than you think.  Advice in more than just writing happens to be one of their many levels of expertise.

So yes.  Get a good writing partner, someone you trust.
But sorry, I already took the best one, and I wouldn't trade her for the world.
Livi, you're amazing!


  1. Great points! Thanks for sharing!

  2. "Just don't kill the poor things"?!?! Look who's talking... B-)

    Fab post, my dear. ;)

  3. Sweet post! My sister is my main alpha and my best friend, but I do think I need to get a writing partner who can read my stuff and offer advice. Some of my friends just scream with joy because they love it, but I know things need to be fixed. *looks at all my amazing friends* *wonders who has time for my story and doesn't already have apartner* I guess I'll pray about it and see what God does. :D


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