
Saturday, August 4, 2018

My Sister's Lame Jokes {Feat. Squirt Herself}

 Hello, readers, today is gonna be a real... well, I don't know what it's going to be yet.
What I do know is that my sister has been begging and cajoling to do another post, and she finally talked me into it.
She even pulled an easy chair over to the table for me.  Bribery takes you everywhere, y'know.
Say hi, Squirt.


Ha ha, very funny.

I know right, thats me!!

Mmm... that remains to be seen.  What have you got for us today?

What is black, white, and read all over?

Do I get to say the answer?

You tell me boss.

A newspaper, by the way.
That's the answer.

Very good, very good.
Once someone told me to stop acting like a flamingo, but that's when I put my foot down.

Haha, not bad, not bad!

BTW I have to give credit for some of these jokes to..... Chow,  Kord, Siri, and many other things which I can not remember.

*Shakes head* you should come up with your own, Squirt.
But at least you're not taking credit.
Or is that because you don't want to be known for these? XD

Oh fine, oh fine, heres one with my own brand on it...
I like Kansas the best but Oklahoma's OK.

Haha, I'd say let's MOve it out to Missouri, but... it's really not that funny.

OH and Ohio.
WhY, Wyoming too.

No, let's take a CAr to California.

Or to that Maine one in the upper right corner.

I have no reply.

OR we could go to Oregon.
Aren't I just SOOOO funny!!!!! Okay don't answer that.

I plead the fifth.

What do you get when you drop a piano down a mine shaft? This one's my favorite!! ;p

Do I get to say the answer?

Again, you tell me boss.

Okay then, minion.
A flat minor.
Which one would be the right one to use in the punchline?

AGAIN, you tell me boss.

Alas, if only our relationship was always like this.

Then people would think I was your servant or something... ;)

Servant?  No.  Merely a person willing to do anything I ask or tell.

That'll be the day.

You got that right, pilgrim.

 A mans got to do, what a mans got to do.

A man's got to have a code, a creed to live by.

Hurry it up, we're burning daylight.

You tangle with me, I'll have your hide.

Your short on ears, and long on mouth.

If you're looking for trouble, I'll be glad to accommodate you.  Otherwise, leave it alone.

Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.

Very nice.  Now let's wrap this post up, shall we?

I would prefer wrapping it down.

Very funny.  Thanks for coming, Squirt!

Yup, yup, YUP! My pleasure!!!! Toodles!!!!!!!!

Ta ta.
Okay, folks, moral of the story: never let your little sister talk you into having her as a guest on your blog.


  1. Haha, siblings are so awesome! I liked the flamingo joke the best.

  2. Aww this was fun! I'd read more of these. :D say hi to Squirt for me. :D I might have to use some of these jokes...

  3. Bahaha, y'all are fabulous. XD Say hey to Squirt for me!


Feel free to ask a question! I'll be sure to reply to your comment!