
Friday, September 11, 2020

We Haven't Forgotten {A 9/11 Tribute}


Today, I'm joining ten other ladies in remembering an event that happened nineteen years ago today.

"It'll never happen to us," we say. "Nothing that tragic and horrifying could never happen to us."

On September 10, 2001, maybe that's what some of the first responders thought as they ate supper and prepared for bed, watched the news, said a prayer, not knowing that they would be killed the next day. They thought they'd be doing what they did best—saving lives.

Or maybe the thought never even entered their minds. Life was normal.

On September 11, 2001, I was too little to remember what I was doing when three thousand Americans were killed by an attack that no one expected. It's never expected.

We said we'd never forget.

On September 11, 2012, a U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya, was stormed by a militant Al-Qaeda group, where the main building was set on fire, killing four Americans:

Do you think they were expecting to die that day?

The fear and pandemonium incited by these two events made for the famous date that would never be forgotten. When we hear the phrase, '9/11,' a picture of horror enters our minds. Of terror.

We said we'd never forget.

Yet some of us have.

It's okay to not think of it 24/7. It's okay to not want the hurt that comes with this date.

Just don't forget. Don't let it happen again.

We're never promised tomorrow, y'all. Don't waste today.

Stand for the flag out of respect for those who have gone on before us and given their lives for our freedom. Don't let their efforts go to waste.

Learn from the past. Look to the future. And don't forget.

Other ladies joining the tribute:







Kaitlyn S.





  1. Kaitlyn, thank you so much for helping us with the tour! This was beautiful! ♡

    Never Forget.

  2. Amen to all of this... it’s okay not to want the hurt but don’t forget... <3

  3. I wasn't born when this happened, but it is so important to remember!!!


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