
Saturday, June 6, 2020

10 Tips for a Good Day, Part 2 {A Guest Post by Brooklyne}

Aaaaaaand we're back with part 2 of Brooklyne's 10 tips for a good day! (if you missed part one last week, you can find it here)
Number Six // Make a Manageable List

I like lists. I like making them. I like crossing them off. I’m the kind of person that when I’m in the grocery store and put sometime in the cart that was not on the list, will write it on the list just so I can have the satisfaction of crossing it off. XD

Call me weird, but lists rock! Although I will admit, to-do lists are kinda overwhelming at times. That’s why it’s best if we can keep our to-do lists manageable. Don't put something on the list if you know it’s unrealistic. Make your list, and if you feel it is too long for that day then only pick a few things on the list to do. If you try to do it all, you will be running around like a chicken with its head cut off. We’ve all been there, and it’s not a good feeling.

Number Seven // Conquer Procrastinating and be Intentional 

So you know that thing people call Social Media? Oh… Yeah… that. Sometimes we’d rather be procrastinating online or whatever than to be intentional about what we really need to have happen that day. We are all guilty in this area. We get sidetracked. Then, before you know it, we’re scrolling through Instagram or Facebook or pinning something to Pinterest, or catching up with blog posts or texting a friend. 

It’s hard. To be intentional and to stay focused. But it’s truly worth it. Finding moderation and balance is so important to having a good day.

Number Eight // Don’t Forget to Celebrate

Let’s not call it a bribe… let’s call it celebrating! When you’ve got a lot done on your list and you feel like you’ve been productive, give yourself some free time. Get outside for a walk (or a four wheeler ride!) Have a snack. Watch a short YouTube. Give yourself something to look forward too. Like a mini prize after you’ve worked hard.

Number Nine // Read That Book

Work hard, but never forget to take time to have fun and do something that brings you joy. Many times, when life gets busy, we can so easily edge these things farther and farther out of our days. So make sure to leave room in your day to read that book, watch that movie, create that diy project, take a bath, bake those cookies, etc. 

Give yourself a little bit more than just free time. Do something that gives you joy and fills you with contentment.

Number Ten // Journal and Pray

I love having a journal. I don’t write in it every day, but I love documenting parts of my day, events that are taking place, or just my thoughts. Journaling is something that is meaningful. 

Prayer is so important, and sadly it’s one of the things that I often forget to do. I’m talking about praying more than just before every meal. It’s important to talk to God throughout the day just like we would a friend. Just knowing God has a special plan for each of your days is reason enough to have a good day! So let’s take each day as it comes, and try our best to live in the moment so we can have days that are more than just “good.”
And there we go! Thank you so much for guest posting, Brooklyne!

(And y'all, if you don't already follow her blog, what are you doing?!)


  1. Thanks for letting me guest post! Haha, I think I need to work on taking my own advice! *winks* XP

    1. Hey, also, I nominated you for a tag on my blog! <33


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