
Wednesday, January 1, 2020

2019 Goals Recap {+ 2020 Goals}

Anyone else feel like 2019 got impatient in October and finally said "OKAYYY LET'S SKIP TO THE NEW YEAR!"

*Sigh* So, yeah, now's the time of year that everyone's looking back over the past year and makes resolutions for the new year. Well, you might know that I like to set goals rather than resolutions. There's just something about them that makes it feel like a work-in-progress that I can fail at a few times before getting the hang of it, whereas resolutions give me the impression that if I mess up once,  I've completely blown it. And then I'll give up.


I did a post like this last year, and thought I might do it again this year. But first, let's see how I did with my 2019 goals! (I honestly forgot about most of these, oops xD)

1. (Tentatively) Publish Beloved.
Gooooaaaaallll!! I did publish! September 10, 2019, will be a date that I'll never forget. Faith Potts and I co-released our books on Suicide Prevention day! You can find Beloved on Amazon and Goodreads.

2. Exercise at least 4 days out of every week.
Heh. Heheh. Eh, no. I started out really well . . . but it went the way of all good things, as my father would say, and didn't last very long. I would say that I exercised more this year than I have previously, though, so that's a plus!

3. Read at least 60 books.
NAILED IT. I'm working on my 82nd book currently! If I were asked what my top five books of the year were, though, I'd have to say . . .

-Freedom by Faith Potts

-Monday Night Jihad by Steve Yohn & Jason Elam

-In 27 Days by Alison Gervais

-Fallen Angel by Jeff Strueker & Alton Gansky

-The Divided Nation by Angela Watts

4. Blog consistently.
*Cackles* Well, um, y'all could probably figure this one out. I tried?

5. Write at least 50,000 words.
Check! I wrote about 30,000 for Camp NaNo in April, over 10,000 in Camp NaNo July, about 26,000 in NaNoWriMo, and not to mention the sporadic writing I did in between.

6. Create a 2019 playlist.
Welllll yeah but no. I started it, but when I went months without adding to it . . . I deleted it. *cries* But hey, it only had a few songs on it, sooooo

7. Finish reading through the Bible.
Um . . . no. Honestly one of the goals I forgot about. xD I did get a good bit read, but between lack of perseverance and a ladies' Bible study I participated in at church, it didn't happen.

8. Memorize at least 20 Bible verses.
Again, one that I kinda forgot about. (Wow, I need to check back on these mid-year, don't I?) And I don't know, with all the memorizing I did, I might've? I didn't really keep track, but my guess is that it was somewhere shy of 20.

Okay. Now, 2020 goals . . . oh boy.
I'm gonna try not to set huge goals 'cause it looks like the new year is gonna be insane, but who am I kidding? I'm probably gonna look back on these goals and say "those were really dumb" xD

1. Become more serious in my prayer life.
Anyone else have this problem?

2. Exercise at least three days out of the week.
I know it's not much, buuuut I failed my four-days-a-week goal last year, so I'll lower the bar a liiiiitle bit. If I can work up to five or six days a week, that would be amazing. ;)

3. Read at least 60 books.
I know better than to set my goal at my total books read this year. Sadly. *cries*

4. Blog consistently.
Am I going to continually set this as a goal until I achieve it? Why yes, yes, I am.

5. Memorize at least 15 Bible verses.
If I could do more than that, that would be fabulous . . .

6. Write at least 40,000 words.
If I would actually finish another book, that would be amazing.

So, I've seen a lot of people do 'words of the year.'

I always thought it was kinda weird. I mean, they gave the coming year a single word and I guess saw how it actually played out? Weird. But it was also neat to see how, when they looked back after a year had passed, realized how well that word fit the year.

Or how it didn't.

So, this year, I'm going to try it. I'm going to give 2020 a word of the year.


I want to grow. Grow in my walk with Christ, grow in wisdom, grow in maturity, grow as an adult, grow in courage.

So, 2020, here's to you.

2019 was a bit rough. Maybe you'll be better, but maybe you'll be worse.

Either way, may God help me grow.


  1. Fun post, Kate!
    It’s funny that you pick grow! My word for the year is “Christlike” and I call this my year of change because 2019 was my year of growth :)

  2. I didn't used to put much stock in the "word of the year" thing, until 2017. I chose the word "cherish" and I...definitely learned what it means. Every time I think about a word for 2020, "fearless" and "faithfulness" keep coming back to my mind. Maybe I'll have two words for this year? Anyway...random rambles. 2020 is a scary number, but we got this. Love ya. *hugs*

  3. I like setting goals rather than New Years resolutions too. And I loved reading your goals! I hope 2020 is a wonderful year of growing. The word I chose for the year is Wildflower. It kind of represents a lot of different things (cause I couldn’t decide on just one, lol!)


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