
Saturday, December 14, 2019

The Best Christmas Albums Ever

As I have ever since I started this blog, this year I'm participating in Faith's 12 Days of Christmas blog party! Today I've got some of my most favorite Christmas albums to share with you, so hang tight!

Also, be sure that you click on the below image to visit Faith's blog and see all the other posts in the party!

The Ball Brothers—Christmastime, Vol. 2

*smirks* didn't see this one coming, did you? This was a super sweet early Christmas gift from some dear friends . . . and I've already listened to it over ten times (I kinda lost track after nine or so #oops). Surprised? You shouldn't be. xD

Chris Tomlin—Glory in the Highest

I love this song so, so much . . . and the rest of the songs in the album are fabulous. ;)

The Oak Ridge Boys—Christmas

I realized that it's been three years since I've shared music that I grew up listening to, hehe! This album isn't one that I'd normally listen to, but it's a family tradition to listen to it every year while decorating, baking, eating on Christmas Eve, etc . . . my family is rather sentimental. ;)

Craig Duncan—Bluegrass Christmas

*cackles* Didn't see this one coming either, did ya?? Random fact: Spotify said that my most-listened-to artist of the year was Craig Duncan . . . go figure.

Guy Penrod—Christmas

Guy Penrod was my second-most-listened-to artist of the year, so of course I'm gonna be recommending his Christmas music!

The Nashville Superpickers—Pickin' On Christmas

Bluegrass. Instrumental. Superpickers. Need I say more??

Michael W. Smith—It's a Wonderful Christmas

I love MWS's music, especially since Kordell and I got to go to one of his concerts last month (more on that in an upcoming post)!

What are your most favorite Christmas albums/artists?? Do you have any that are special to you because of the memories that come with them?


  1. Thank you for sharing these. I love Christmas music and listen to it year round. I love Casting Crowns, Mary Did You Know, etc
    Merry Christmas
    quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  2. Why was I not at all surprised to see TBB at the top of your list? B-)


Feel free to ask a question! I'll be sure to reply to your comment!