
Saturday, July 6, 2019

Give Us Your Farming Questions

Have you ever had those questions about farming that have been driving you insane, but could never get them answered? Or maybe you're just mildly curious. Well, go no further! This time, I'm here asking for your questions about farming!

Comment with those questions nagging at the back of your mind, and if I can't answer, I'll have one of the guys (or maybe more, depending on who I can get to agree) come as a guest to answer them for you! As with the advice posts we've done in the past, I can't promise that they'll all get answered, but it's worth a shot, yes?

You have until Wednesday, July 17, to submit your questions.


  1. -How are some ways to stay cool when your working hard in the heat?
    -What is the busiest month?
    -What is the best part about farming?
    -What is the worst part about farming?

    Those are my questions! Can't wait to read the answers! ;)

  2. This will be fun! ;)
    Have you ever had a big drought?
    How many acres do you have?
    Is there an animal you wished didn't exist?
    I'll try to think of a few more.


Feel free to ask a question! I'll be sure to reply to your comment!