
Saturday, November 10, 2018

Fashion Advice from Guys: Q&A

Greetings, peoples!  I must say, I thoroughly enjoyed that unplanned 2-week blogging break, and I'm ready to get back at it again.
So, Chowboy & Kordell are back to expound their wisdom.  Since their love advice seemed to be rather popular, they're back with untapped advice for fashion!  
Have any fashion questions for them?  Comment below!
There were a couple of people that were a little disappointed at the lack of sincerity in the guys' answers to their questions, so keep in mind this will be much the same.  If you ask a completely serious question, you may not get a completely serious answer.  Let's have fun with this, shall we?
Leave a comment with your questions!  Depending on how many they receive, there may be some questions that won't be answered.  You have until Wednesday, November 21st, to send your questions.
Let the fun begin!


  1. I don’t have any questions for them because I have a feeling the other girls are gonna ask every question they can think of.

    But I really look forward to this, because the last post of advice was hilariousšŸ¤£
    It was so funny how the guys just covered up the awkward questions with humoršŸ˜‚

  2. Do you approve of skinny jeans? If so, how tight is too tight?

  3. Do you think that sleeveless shirts are ok? How about tank tops? Is that going to far?

  4. Are knee high dresses too short?

  5. Do you wear bell bottoms daily or only on Sunday?

    Are neon suspenders too edgy or should I stick to pastels?

    I’m interested in crocheted sweaters - Is it best for a guy to wear a tank under them or just not worry bout it?

  6. Thoughts on jewelry? Are earrings and necklaces okay on guys?

  7. Kk, here’s something I’ve been curious about. Holes in jeans. Is that okay or not so much?

  8. How short can capris or shorts be? Is above the knees showing too much of the body?

  9. I loved the last advice post, so can't wait to see the answers to this one!! ;D

    Do you like high heels? Should they be outlawed?
    Any thoughts on jewelry?
    Jeans, sweat pants, khakis, or slick pants?
    What do you think about makeup?



Feel free to ask a question! I'll be sure to reply to your comment!