
Monday, June 4, 2018

The Mystery Blogger Award

Hey folks, I was tagged by the lovely Angela @ The Peculiar Messenger (thank you, by the way) for the Mystery Blogger Award!  I haven't done any tags in ages, so I guess it's about time I do another one.

What is the Mystery Blogger Award, you ask?  Well, I'm not exactly sure myself.  Except that it reminds me a lot of the Liebster Award you might've seen floating around.  So I kinda stole copied this quote from Angela's blog:

“This is an award for amazing bloggers with indigenous posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging and they do it with so much love and passion.” – Okoto Enigma

What a compliment!

-Thank whoever nominated you and include a link to their blog
-Tell your readers three things about yourself
-Nominate 10-20 bloggers you feel deserve the reward
-Answer the questions from the person who nominated you
-Ask your nominees 5 questions of your choice with one weird or funny one
-Notify your nominees by commenting on their blogs

Well now, I've never been one to exactly go with the crowd.  So I'm gonna be a little rebel and answer the questions first, and then I'll give you three facts about myself.
Just to shake things up.


1. If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
Hm... well, I don't know if this could technically count as a 'superpower', but I'd want the power to be able to know the right things to say at the right times.  As my dad says, "you have two ears and one mouth—use them in that proportion."  It'd be nice to know when to talk and when to listen.  Because too often I, as John Wayne would say, am "short on ears and long on mouth".
A time to keep silence, and a time to speak. ~Ecclesiastes 3:7

2. What are three hobbies you enjoy doing in the summer?
I would say gardening because I'm actually learning to enjoy it, but it's more of a full-time job than a hobby.  But I don't get paid for it.
Except with food.
But as for other hobbies?  Reading and writing would definitely be vying for first place... but reading will always be my first choice.  Then writing.
And a third hobby?  Hmm... well, I'm not sure if this could be classified as a 'hobby' per se, but riding with Kordell in the tractor.  Hauling bales, baling, running the grain cart, hauling manure... we've done it all (you can read all about that here).
Or rather... he's done it all and I went along to lend moral support.

3. One hilarious thing that has happened to you during a summer?
Uh... a friend's grandma mistook me for someone else and asked if I'm engaged yet.  Does that count?
Oh, I also had a sleepover with a friend and we stayed up till 2am and ended up talking about random things like zombie bats (don't even ask).  And Mrs. Bill Clinton.  And the book of Revelation.
And I was messaging with a friend and she had a terrible typo that I won't share right now but I couldn't stop laughing at (though technically that happened in spring, but it felt like summer).

4. Have you ever done something very spontaneous?  If so, what?
Well, last summer my family took a two-night trip to Kansas City—spontaneous, as in, it wasn't preplanned until the day before.
And just the other day my sister-in-law showed up at our house and invited me to keep her company while she cleaned our church.  That's happened more than once.
This post was slightly spontaneous.
I am very spontaneous. *nods*

5. Do you have any pets?
Two dogs, T-Bone and Bandit.  They're technically not mine, buuuut we kinda share the yard.  Bandit is a sweetheart—lazy, but a sweetheart nonetheless—and T-Bone is a grumpy old man (in his 80's in dog years).
Also, they're definitely not house pets, in case you were wondering. ;P

Well now, that was interesting!

Three Random Facts:
-When I get tired, I get goofy.  Really goofy.  Just ask the people who've had sleepovers with me.
-I'm a rollercoaster junkie.
-My twin and I have identical initials.  And my sis.

I Tag:
Rebekah @ Rebekah's Remarks
Mary @ Sunshine & Scribblings
Carissa @ Run With Endurance
Blessing Counter @ Counting Your Blessings
Livi @ Living For the Other Side

Yes, I know that's only five.
But hey, like I said, I'm not one to follow the crowd.

Your Questions:
1. What's your favorite type of weather (cold, sunny, rainy, etc.)?
2. If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
3. What are your three favorite summer hobbies?
4. If you could be any person you wished for a day, who would you pick and why?
5. What would be one piece of advice you'd give to a clock?

Until next time,


  1. Great post Kaitlyn. I totally think knowing what and when to speak is a super power. It is certainly something I wish for too.

  2. Kaitlyn gets goofy late at night? Are you sure? I find that sooo hard to believe... B-)

  3. This looks like an awesome tag, Kaitlyn! Thanks for tagging me, but I'll have to pass this time around, so sorry about that!

  4. Thanks for the tag =) I'll try to do it soon :)


Feel free to ask a question! I'll be sure to reply to your comment!