
Friday, March 31, 2017

Woodchucks, Wind, and Wildfires (March Recap)

Hi people!

Well, since I don't really have anything to say right now, let's get on with the recap, shall we? ;)

Life/random (in no particular order):

-March was the windiest month of the year so far.  KS is known for wind; especially in March every year.

-Golden Belt Vocal Festival!! :D

-We need to keep the people that were victims of the wildfire(s) in our prayers. The one at Ashland in western KS was said to be the biggest grassfire in world history.

From Google

-We found out that Siri has several answers to the question, "how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?"

"As many cookies as Cookie Monster could muster if Cookie Monster could master cooking cookies."

"Well, since a 'woodchuck' is really a groundhog, the correct question would be: how many pounds in a groundhog's mound when a groundhog pounds hog mounds?" 

"I suppose it depend on whether you are talking about African or European wood."

"None.  A 'woodchuck' is actually a groundhog, so it would probably just predict two more weeks of winter."

"Assuming a spherical woodchuck in a vacuum... about 42."

"A woodchuck would chuck as much as a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood."

"Just because it could doesn't mean that it would."

"A so-called 'woodchuck' (correctly speaking, a groundhog) would chuck — that is, throw— as much as the woodchuck in question was physically able to chuck if woodchucks had the capability (and, presumably, the motivation) to chuck wood."

And eventually, after you ask it enough times…

"Don't you have anything better to do?"

"I imagine that groundhogs would prefer a different question for a change."

-Homeschool conference! Lots of books.  Lots and lots of books. ;D

-Gus was born.

-I discovered that Snoopy, Charlie Brown's dog, was named after a WWI pilot.  The song "Snoopy's Christmas" was written about that pilot.

-I got a dobro strap!!

-Our church had a potato bar. Butter, ham, broccoli & cheese, bacon bits, chili... it was delicious.  And some of us got to be a bit of entertainment! Just in case you're interested...


Crown and Jewel by Jeri Massi: 3.5 stars
By Searching by Isobel Kuhn: 4 stars
Dandelion Dust by Faith Potts (not yet published): 5 stars
The Unexpected Request by Rebekah Morris: 4.5 stars
Escape from Warsaw by Ian Serraillier: 3.5 stars
A Horse for Kate by Miralee Ferrell: 4 stars
Choice Summer by Shirley Brinkerhoff: 3 stars
Set Free by Rebekah Morris: 3 stars
But Not Forsaken by Helen Good Brenneman


I didn't do a whole lot of writing this month, and to be honest, I enjoyed my little break thoroughly. XD
These snippets are from a scene I wrote for Faith's Imagine This challenge.
If you'd like to read the whole story, click here.
And now, on to the snippets!

     “Ouch… ouch… ouch… oww!” Jerry tried not to scream as he gingerly opened the hatch again.  He pulled himself up out of the turret to sit on the rim and carefully inspected his now-bloody knuckles.  “I must be the only person that keeps smashing his hands under a tank’s hatch,” he muttered.
     With a sigh he wiped the blood on his pant leg and hopped to the ground.
     Rounding the corner of the tank, he barely saw the cannon arm before it crashed into his forehead with a dull clunk!  Jerry bit back the shout that rose to his lips, though a loud groan escaped.  
     “Jerry, what the—”
     Jerry whirled around.  “Toby, don’t say one word.”
     Toby’s eyes twinkled.  “What’s the other guy look like?”


     Trent gently took Jerry’s hand in his to examine it.  “You’ll be fine after a few days of soreness,” he announced.  He set his pack on the ground and, bending over to pull something out, Jerry saw a pen fall out of his pocket.  When it hit the ground, the cap flew off and Jerry noticed a small piece of paper sticking out of the pen.  Trent glanced down at it, then casually but quickly covered it with his booted foot.  Jerry momentarily wondered about it, then dismissed it with a shrug.
     “Here we are,” Trent straightened, a roll of gauze and a bottle of antiseptic in his hands.  He quickly disinfected Jerry’s knuckles and wrapped some cloth around it.  “And there you go.  You’ll be good as new in a few days.”
     “Thanks,” Jerry said with a grin.  He turned and walked away, glancing back once to see Trent rapidly snatch  up the fallen pen and place it back into his pocket, eyes darting from side to side rapidly as if he hadn’t wanted anyone to see.
     That’s weird. Jerry shrugged and moved on.

Pun of the Month:

I tried to catch some fog but I mist.


As I mentioned earlier, the Golden Belt Vocal Festival was in March.
The songs we sang were:
"Fill-a Me Up" :20
"Down to the River to Pray/ Lord, Listen to Your Children" 2:27
"Joy Overflowing" (women's song) 6:03
"I Will Boast with The Solid Rock" (one of my favorites) 8:41
"Let Everything that Hath Breath" (my all-time favorite!!) 13:47
"The Last Words of David" 29:06 
"Pie Jesu" 32:49
"Speak, O Lord" (men's son) 35:35
"Give Me Oil in my Lamp" (another of my favorites; the guys show a hidden talent ;)) 39:56
"A Mighty Fortress is our God" 43:14

Well people, have you ever sung in a choir?  Asked Siri a question and received a funny answer?  Read any of the above books?  I'd love to hear about it! ;)


  1. It sounds like you had a fun month, Kaitlyn! :)
    Homeschool conferences are fun. Especially when you get lots of books. ;)
    I have also read “Dandelion Dust” (so good!) and “Escape from Warsaw”. I want to read “The Unexpected Request” sometime soon. :)

    1. Yup, 'twas a good month. ;)
      Ohh yes, those books are so good! And I would HIGHLY recommend "The Unexpected Request"; it's by FAR my favorite book by Rebekah Morris. :)
      Thanks for commenting!

  2. Sounds like a good month! Gus is so cute:)

  3. Haha, Siri is so...interesting. ;p I enjoyed your snippets! Sounds like you had a great month!

    1. Eh, yeah. I never knew she was capable of that. XD
      Thanks so much Livi!

  4. Hey Kaitlyn! Thanks for sharing about your month of March. Sounds like you had a good one, and that you had some fun as well. That is so neat that you were able to participate in the Golden Belt Vocal Festival! I listened to some of it, and you guys sounded really good! =) How many of your family members participated in it? I saw you and your mom, and I think maybe your twin brother as well. Also saw a few people we know from Manhattan! (Do you know Claire L.?)
    All of those things from Siri are quite amusing...some of the things she has to say!
    Oh, and just random comment, have you read the Sadie Rose books by Hilda Stahl? I'm pretty sure I recognized those on your bookshelf. We've read those too!
    Okay, have a good and godly day! -Patty

    1. Hello Patty!
      There were just three participating from our family this year: me, Mom, and Kordell (good eye! ;)). Yes, there's always a lot of people from Manhattan that sing. Claire... name's familiar, but I can't say as I could point her out or not. So to answer your question, no. ;P
      YES THE SADIE ROSE BOOKS. I love those. <3
      Thanks for commenting!

  5. Oh, and by the way, yes, I have read at least one of the "above" books: "By Searching". It was a really good and inspiring book! Enjoyed it and would recommend it to others.

  6. Oh wow...that wildfire picture...definitely praying. O.O
    *dies at the Cookie Monster funnies*
    Have I mentioned that Gus is utterly adorable? GUS IS ADORBALE!! <3
    Ooh, lots of books and lovely snippets, Kate!! :)

    1. Yeah... fire is scary. :P
      Haha, there's nothing quite like Siri! XD
      YES HE IS, I WHOLEHEARTEDLY AGREE. *nods rapidly*
      Thanks, Faith! :)


Feel free to ask a question! I'll be sure to reply to your comment!