
Saturday, December 24, 2016

Christmas with a Capital C

Hi people!
Seriously, how does time go so fast?!?!
We so often take Christmas for granted.
 For most people, it's just… Christmas.  The holiday.  But, for us Christians, Christmas means so much more.  Even all the lights, gifts, songs and busyness mean something.

The star that led the wise men shed light for them to see.  In the same way, Christ is our light.  We trust Him to guide us to His father, following His footsteps.
He is the only way to heaven.

 I love giving gifts, and, I'm not gonna lie, I love receiving gifts too.  The wise men gave Jesus gold, frankincense, and myrrh.  Expensive, but worthy.  Just like God's gift to us.  I mean, what Sovereign God sends His Son for us?  What God would condemn His perfect Son to die a criminal's death?  I have the answer:  My God.  My God did this, and I hope He's your God, too.  His Son Jesus died.  For us.

The angels that visited the shepherds that night sang.  They sang joyfully, ecstatically, because the Savior was born!  Jesus Christ!  

King David, one of the most famous kings in the Bible, sang so many songs.  There's 119 of his songs recorded; I wonder how many more he wrote that weren't written down.  King David is known as a man after God's own heart.  So if we intend to be people after God's own heart, don't be shy to sing.  Belt out that song running through your head to your heart's content!

Oh, there's so much busyness in this season.  Rushing around, preparing for all the aforementioned things: lights, gifts, songs.  But Christmas originated busily.  When Joseph and Mary went to Bethlehem, it was so incredibly busy, they couldn't even get a hotel room.  Instead, Mary had to give birth in the stable; to put it in modern terms, she had to give birth in a parking garage.  In the cold.  With hardly any warm clothes.  I'm shivering just thinking about it.

But, we must remember that Christmas isn't just a time of remembrance for Jesus' birth.  It's… it's a time to rejoice, to give thanks to God, and to praise Him for what He has done for us.  Even in all the busyness, God is still there, and He wants us to love Him with all our hearts.

People have shortened "Christmas" to "Xmas".  I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that; I've heard that the "X" is Greek for "Christ".  But still, it kinda seems to take the "Christ" from "Christmas".  

With all the lights, gifts, songs, and busyness, let's be sure to keep the "Christ" in "Christmas"!


  1. Such a though-provoking post, Kate! Thanks so much for sharing. <3

  2. I loved this post! Thanks for sharing! :)

  3. Amen, Kaitlyn! :D And I love the reminder that the angels sang when Yeshua was born!
    REjoice in the Lord! MERRY CHRISTMAS!

  4. Great post! It's a great reminder. Have a Merry Christmas !

  5. *laughing* Amazing post, girl! Loved it. <3 I especially liked the part about gifts. :) I mean, just think about it. Christ redeeming us and residing in our hearts in exchange for us giving our lives over to Him? That's the greatest 'gift exchange' of all time... <3


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