
Saturday, September 28, 2019

Support a Veteran {Buy a Book}

As (most of) you know, I just recently published my book. What you may not know is that I co-released with my fabulous friend Faith Potts. (Don't you love that alliteration?)

Faith published Freedom, her best work yet, with me on September 10th—World Suicide Prevention Day. This story is powerful, y'all. Plus, if you want a barrel of laughs and snarky-ness and fabulous romance (I actually liked this one, go figure), You'll definitely want to order yourself a copy. (You want my full opinion on this baby? You can read my review HERE).

So why am I going on about this? Well, Freedom deals with the tough topic of suicide—and not just suicide in general, but aiming more toward veteran suicide. So in honor of this, and the fact that September is suicide prevention month, Faith is selling signed paperbacks of Freedom, and through the month of September, all proceeds go to Cover Me Veteran, an organization dedicated to the prevention of veteran suicide. (If you want to learn more about CMV, just click on that link.)

So. That means you've only got a couple days left to order your own signed copy and make a difference! 

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