
Saturday, May 11, 2019

Cover Reveal Sign-ups {Beloved + Freedom}

Hey peeps! GUESS WHAT. I'm co-hosting a cover reveal with the fabulous miss Faith Potts!! Are you as excited as I am to spread the word and reveal the covers for our WIPs Beloved and Freedom?? Yes? Well, if so, YOU can participate! If you'd like to be one of the first to see these beauties, simply fill out the form below!

Why are we co-releasing our covers? Well, since we're co-hosting a blog tour (Y'ALL WE HAVE A DATE), we decided that we'd release our covers together! Why a dual blog tour, you ask?? (Yes, you were asking. I heard you silently crying out the question in your soul. Don't deny it.) Well, I'm glad you asked! You see, both of our books deal with the topic of suicide. So what better date to release suicide-awareness books than together during Suicide Prevention Week, and specifically releasing on Suicide Prevention Day? September 10th, y'all. That's the day. Are you as excited as we are??

So yeah, first things first. Sign up to spread the news—and the cover pretties! Don't have a blog? No problem! If you have social media, then we want you as a part of the release team as well! Sign-ups close on the 25th, two weeks from today. Cover reveal is June 1st!


  1. YAYyyyyy!!!! I am SO excited for your book to release!!! *shoots off fireworks and throws confetti and hands you a slice of chocolate cake* (sorry, as you can tell, I'm super excited!) XD

  2. I'm so darn hyped I legit can't even. CAN'T EVEN.

    *also tackle hugs you bc #payback*

  3. WOW I CANT BELIEVE THIS! September 10th was the day I started writing Dewdrops and Butterflies and my vague goal date to PUBLISH IT! That's so crazy guys! Due to editing and basic reader things, I'm probably going to have to push it a little further then that, maybe end of September or early October but I TOTALLY GET WHAT YOURE FEELING RIGHT NOW THE EXCITMENT LEVEL IS THROUGH THE ROOF and wow the reason you guys chose the date is SO GOOD. I'm actually so so proud of you guys XD
    I already signed up via Faith's blog. :D

  4. So exciting!! I can't wait to read your book, Kaitlyn!


Feel free to ask a question! I'll be sure to reply to your comment!