
Saturday, March 2, 2019

Never Compromise

You know that thing that you feel guilty about? That habit, or hobby that you sometimes think you should probably cut back on, but you like it too much? That little thing in your life that you think maybe God wouldn't approve of, but you keep justifying it because it really does have good things in it?

Give it up. Eventually, it'll lead to more and more compromise. This isn't what a relationship with God is meant to be like, friends. Don't let your relationship with Him become strained and distant because your priorities have become defined by what you enjoy, and not what He wills.

Obedience isn't pick-and-choose. You either obey or you don't. Never compromise, y'all. This is something that I struggle with so much. We don't get to pick and choose what morals we want to keep or throw away. Is there a book that you love and reread, but sometimes it puts the wrong thoughts in your head? A TV show that has negative scenes? A catchy song that has bad language? Even if they do have good parts, it's the bad parts that tend to stick in your mind. Be careful, y'all. It's the littlest things for which we need to watch out.

The Bible warns us about the devil sneaking into our homes. If he came through the front door, we'd recognize it. But no, he sneaks in and takes advantage of the weak ones. And the funny thing about weak people? They don't realize that they're weak until they're put to the test. Don't let a little giving in weaken your defense, y'all.

Never compromise.


  1. Thank you for this post. I think many of us do tend to compromise for nothing more than personal pleasure. These past few days have been a test if physical comfort for me. Do I go to the horse clinic (how to better train the horse) and freeze my tail off or do I stay where it is warm and miss out on the important knowledge? I'm so thankful to say I have not taken the comfortable route. Also, being in the cold burns so many calories!

  2. Well put! I needed this reminder! <3


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