
Saturday, February 2, 2019

Wanted: Beta Readers

I'm finally doing it.
I'm asking for beta-readers for my novel, Beloved.
When I wrote this book a year and a half ago, the thought of asking for beta-readers was always in the back of my head, and I'm finally making that thought a reality. So yes, if you're interested in being a beta-reader . . . *points to form below*

Bonus points if you:

-Live in California, or are at least well-associated with it, particularly the west coast.
-Have any medical knowledge, particularly about concussions and drowning.
-Have any knowledge about foster care, particularly in California.
-Are good—and picky—at pointing out typos, flaws and inconsistencies.

If you fit any of these criteria, sign up!

If you're wondering what this book is about, here's the (unofficial) synopsis:

Life hurts.

Cara Richards just doesn't care anymore. Alone and unloved—or so she believes—she decides that there's only one answer to the nightmare that has become her life. But when an unwelcome intervention disrupts Cara's plans and turns her life in a direction she never imagined, she is faced with a decision. Is death really the answer?

Can everyone truly be loved, no matter what?

This book is feelsy and geared more toward girls that deal with depression. It is, as my brothers call it, a 'chick flick' (yeah, even though they've never even read it).

Ya interested? Just as a warning, signing up does not make you an official beta-reader. I'll let you know.

All that said, sign-ups end two weeks from today, on Saturday, February 16th.

(also, I completely redid the blog's look . . . whatcha think?)


  1. So excited for you in this next step towards publishing! How long is your book? Novella or Novel length?

    Love your new blog look!!!! <3

    1. Thank you so much, Brooklyne! It's novel length—about 64,000 words. :)

    2. Ok, awesome! ;) Well, I don't know much about California, even though I was born there... Where at does your book take place in CA?

  2. *Squeal!!* when does this release?!

  3. Aww, thanks for being excited, Molly! The release date is September 10. :)


Feel free to ask a question! I'll be sure to reply to your comment!