
Monday, October 1, 2018

Top Pro-life Books {Five Fall Favorites}

Even a bookworm like me has to get out in reality every once in awhile.  So grab your bike, throw some books in the basket, and follow me!  After a vigorous ride, we'll find a grassy slope to collapse on and reward our exercise with some reading.

This is day one of a week full of books, books, and more books.  So stick around if you're a fellow book lover!  Today we'll be taking a look at some pro-life (adoption, elderly, special needs, etc.) recommendations.  Each and every life is precious in God's eyes, so they should be the same to us as well.  Remember that while you read.

A Horse for Kate by Miralee Ferrell

A horse of her own would be awesome. But Kate figures that might be a long way away, especially since she had to give up riding lessons and move to her late grandfather’s farm. Besides, it would be a lot more fun to have a best friend to ride with. When Kate discovers a barn on their new farm that’s perfect for a horse, and a dusty bridle too, she starts to think that her dream might come true. Then she meets Tori at school, who is totally the best. So when they discover a thoroughbred that appears to be all alone, could it be the answer to her prayers? Maybe. If she can convince her dad ... and figure out what’s going on with that horse.

Even though I love western movies, I'm not exactly what you'd call a horsey person.  Just ask my sis, the horse nut.  But I really enjoyed this book (and all Miralee Ferrell books that I've read), and bonus points for the main character being named Kate!

Edward's Eyes by Patricia MacLachlan

Jake is a part of an extraordinary family. He has a life filled with art, music, and long summer nights on the Cape. He has hours and days and months of baseball. But, more than anything in this world, Jake knows he has Edward. From the moment he was born, Jake knew Edward was destined for something. Edward could make anyone laugh and everyone think. During one special year, he became the only one in the neighborhood who could throw a perfect knuckleball. It was a pitch you could not hit. That same year, Jake learned there are also some things you cannot hold. 

Okay, um, it's been several years since I read Edward's Eyes, but... it was so good.  It'll rip your heart out, though.  Just sayin'.

Angels Walking by Karen Kingsbury

When former national baseball star Tyler Ames suffers a career-ending injury, all he can think about is putting his life back together the way it was before. He has lost everyone he loves on his way to the big leagues. Then just when things seem to be turning around, Tyler hits rock bottom. Across the country, Tyler’s one true love Sami Dawson has moved on. 

A series of small miracles leads Tyler to a maintenance job at a retirement home and a friendship with Virginia Hutcheson, an old woman with Alzheimer’s who strangely might have the answers he so desperately seeks.

A team of Angels Walking take on the mission to restore hope for Tyler, Sami, and Virginia. Can such small and seemingly insignificant actions of the unseen bring healing and redemption? And can the words of a stranger rekindle lost love? Every journey begins with a step.

It is time for the mission to begin…

AWWWWWWW!!! That's really all that needs to be said about this book.  The baseball aspect of the book really drew me in, and Ty's relationship with Virginia... allllll the heart eyes.

While Mortals Sleep by Jack Cavanaugh

Josef Schumacher is a pastor in Berlin witnessing the rise of Adolf Hitler's Third Reich and the increasing influence of the Nazi youth movement on the young people of his church. Fearful of the sway of prevailing rhetoric and misguided patriotism, Josef risks everything to counteract the lies of a Facist government and the charismatic power of the Fuhrer. When Nazi doctrine begins manifesting itself within his own congregation, Josef can no longer remain silent. Josef's wife, Mady, about to give birth to their first child, finds her world turned suddenly upside down. Will she realize the depth of Josef's love for her? Will she recognize its reflection of divine love?

Wow... what a wild ride!  It was so intense, the writing was flawless, and I was hooked even in the slower parts!  So, so amazing, and through this series I definitely found a new favorite author.

What Child is This? by Caroline B. Cooney

Not everyone is lucky at Christmas. Some people would call 16-year-old Liz Kitchell and her family truly fortunate, but it doesn't feel that way to her. It seems that only a miracle can give 8-year-old Katie her holiday wish. She wants a family, something she does not have as a foster child. As for 17-year-old Matt, he too is in a foster home and is finally letting himself feel a sense of belonging. When he allows himself to do a good deed for Katie, he doesn't realize what would happen. Is the spirit of Christmas strong enough to grant the impossible?

This book now holds even more interest to me since I wrote Beloved (foster care, y'all).  Even though he was a grumpy teenager, Matt was my favorite—he tried so, so hard to make this Christmas one that Katie would never forget.  Did he succeed?  Read the book to find out!

And thus ends day one of the Five Fall Favorites blog party!  I'll be back tomorrow with some books from one of my very favorite genres.
On a side note, the books room (if you're thrown off by the word 'room' like I was at first, here's a hint—today I'm the bikes room.  Each blog is a different 'room' every day) each day this week will have a free book of theirs available for download, so check out Rebekah's blog to find the book room every day!

Also, this week, we've got a giveaway!  Books, and a mug, and... yeah, it looks quite epic.


  1. This week is going to so much fun!! :D

  2. Ack, just give me a moment while I try to decide which is my favorite......
    ............................................Oh fine, I guess I'll just have to go with edward's eyes! =D

    1. Haha, isn't it so hard to choose?! Have you read all of these?

  3. Okay, I haven't read any of these! That first one sounds interesting because I enjoy horse stories though I'm not a "horse lover." But that last one? Christmas? Yes, please! I need to get a copy of this book to read this December. :)

    1. Ohh yay, a couple more to add to your TBR - a bookworm's biggest friend, yet biggest enemy! ;P

  4. Angels Walking... Edward's Eyes... How dare you make me want to cry while attempting to pedal this bicycle?

  5. Oh! I need to read While Mortal's sleep! Sounds Amazing!

  6. I haven't read any of these books, but I added Angels Walking (baseball doesn't catch me, but sports in general does) and While Mortals Sleep (anything about Nazi Germany will catch me!).


    1. Ohh, I hope you enjoy them!! They're definitely worth reading. ;)

  7. I really want to read Angels Walking, I've heard so many good things about it! :)

  8. I recently read "A Horse for Kate". It's a fun one! :)

  9. A horse for Kate was awesome! You need to read the rest of the series!;) *smirks* and by the way that was my book you read!;P Also I have to agree... You are definitely NOT a horse person, sadily. Good post, can't wait for the rest!;D

    1. It was pretty good! And yes, I need to snatch them off your shelf... *cue sneaky music* and no, I wouldn't say sadly. I'll gladly leave that department to you.
      Alsoooo *gasp* *chokes* *falls over* you said my book post was good?! I'm about to die of shock!!
      Thanks, Squirt. ;)

  10. Lovely blog! I think I'm gonna have to read Angels Walking and What Child Is This? sometime. ;) Thanks for the recs!

  11. I own A Horse for Kate, (though I haven't read it. . . and I've owned it for a year or two!) But I haven't seen the others, I'll be sure to check them out!

    1. Haha, I've got a few (or more than a few...) Books on my shelves like that. ;) Thanks for commenting!


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