
Thursday, September 14, 2017

The Back-to-School Tag

Well, I'm back!  
Did you actually think I would abandon you again?
(Don't answer that question.)
The lovely Angela @ The Peculiar Messenger tagged me for the Back-to-School Tag!  (Thank you bunches, you wonderful person!)

1. Thank the person who tagged you.
2. Answer the questions.
3. Post new questions (yeah... we'll see about that).
4. Tag as many people as you want.
5. Wear something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue (Huh?  I thought this applied to weddings...).
6. Don't die (well, it's school, sooooo...).

The Questions:

1. What grade are you in, and how old are you?
Umm... can I plead the fifth on this one? XP

2. Are you homeschooled, private schooled, or public schooled?  Do you enjoy your type of schooling?
Well, according to my bio, I'm homeschooled (and bios never lie, people).  As for enjoying it... let's put it this way: as far as school goes, I wouldn't want it any other way.  But if I could just like, have all this knowledge without studying, I think I would go that route. ;P

3. What is your favorite subject?
That's... hard.  Umm... *strikes a studious pose* history.  Although I'm not quite the fan of world history, I do enjoy it—to an extent—and since Mom reads it aloud, I get to do other stuff (like crochet) while listening. :)

4. What is your least favorite subject?
Math, hands down.  Why, you ask? well, 1) because my brain refuses to function half the time, 2) the other half of the time I get distracted and stare out the window for minutes at a time, and 3) because when I do actually do it, it takes me ten minutes for one problem (no, I don't exaggerate.  Nope.).

5. One thing you learned when you were younger that is still in your head?
Oh goodness, there's an endless supply of answers to that question... how to read, tell time, simple arithmetic, etc.  As for something random... idk.  I'll let you know when I think of something. XP
*five minutes later* 
OH!  When I was in kindergarten, I remember every Monday Kord and I got to color big cutouts of the alphabet—one of us would color the uppercase letter, and the other would color the lowercase letter.  I always looked forward to that. :D
On a random note: I remember thinking that a week was literally a year, so I thought the next Monday would be... a reallllly long time... so yeah.  I was happy when it was only seven days. XD

6. Do you study hard or wing it, most often?
Well, I'm homeschooled, so I'm always studying... XD
But for a test (yes, we homeschoolers do have tests), I sometimes study, but often I wing it, depending on what I'm being tested on. ;P

7. Your way to study is...?
Basically review, skim over notes, etc., and hope for the best. ;P

8. What is one subject you want to work really hard on this year, to better yourself?
Math.  Namely, geometry (and this may or may not be because I want to finish the curriculum by the end of this semester).

9. Any extracurricular activities this year?  What are they?
My family?   Extracurricular?? HAHA, you must be talking about someone else. XD
(Actually, I'll probably be taking ASL or something like that next year.)

10. What is one thing you look forward to this particular year of school?  What does this year mean for you?
Uh... Christmas break? XD
Angela, WHY did you have to make these questions so HARRRRD?!
Oh boy... something I look forward to this particular year... the end of ancient history so that next year we can get into more modern stuff? I don't know. XP
What does this year mean for me?  Um... it means that I'm yet another year older, and soon enough I'm gonna have to grow up and like, become an adult.  With responsibilities.  Yikes.

11. What was one thing that school introduced you to, that made you look farther into, and that you still really enjoy?
Like, seriously, ever since I learned to read, I was HOOKED, and I've loved it ever since.

12.  If you could take a dream field trip, where would you go and what would you do?
A huge library (like the one from Beauty and the Beast) and do nothing but organize books (and read them, of course).  WHO'S WITH ME??

13.  Are you excited for school?  If so, why?  If not, why?
Well, we've been in school for like over a month already but before then I was not looking forward to it.  Why?  Because there goes half my day, out the window (or slammed in books, whichever you prefer).  Can you tell I'm not a fan of school? XP

14.  BONUS, USELESS QUESTION: Can you recite the alphabet backwards out loud?
Uh... I can't remember ever trying to. XD
*tries it suddenly* *Kara gives me a weird look* *fails miserably*
Nope. XD

I Tag:
Um... there's not many I can tag. XP
How 'bout... if you want to do it, feel free to do so with Angela's wonderful questions (we'll ignore that this is sorta kinda cheating, 'cause I've never done this before.  Forgive me?)

Well people, I hope you enjoyed my rantings about school. XD
Ta ta!


  1. *distant cackling laughter as Pottsy picks herself up off the floor* This was an epic post, dear. xD

  2. Omgosh... this was great. ;) GOOD LUCK ON GEOMETRY! You can do it.

  3. Oh my goodness; when you described why math is your least favorite subject, I just sat there astonished because that is EXACTLY how math is for me!!! EXACTLY. I am not joking.


Feel free to ask a question! I'll be sure to reply to your comment!