
Sunday, May 7, 2017

April Showers Bring... {April Recap}

Hi people!

Another month has come and gone.  Can you believe it?

-The baseball season started for the KC Royals!!

-Palm Sunday; a group of us from the area went to some nursing homes to sing the Golden Belt songs. :)

-The guys found David, a horned toad, out in a pasture (well, my sis named him David, but all the rest of us call him Steve. B-))
In case you were wondering, they did take him back where they found him. ;)

-Easter Sunday: a sunrise service at 6:40 AM, with a delicious potluck breakfast afterward.
Plus, a family gathering in the afternoon.

The sunrise; it was so cloudy, we didn't get to see the sun. ;P
-I got to meet Emily, an amazing gal from WA state!

-During school, in the dining room, Kordell would pick up my camera and take several random pictures. For several days straight.  I have a strange twin.

-Rain.  Lots and lots of rain.

-It's that time of year again: time for the crop dusters to be flying around everywhere and the sprayers to go flying down the road.  (I also was informed of another meaning for the term 'crop duster'.  I won't go into the details.)

-I was introduced to these amazing yet sad songs:

-The lilacs bloomed!  For some reason, our tulips didn't. :(

-My birthday!!  :D

-A dear friend visiting from out of state.


But Not Forsaken by Helen Good Brenneman: 3 stars
A Question of Honor by Jesseca Wheaton: 5 stars
Gift Horse by Dandi Daley Mackall: 5 stars
Friendly Foal by Dandi Daley Mackall: 5 stars
Buckskin Bandit by Dandi Daley Mackall: 4.5 stars
The Calling of Emily Evans by Janette Oke: 3 stars
Heart of the Wilderness by Janette Oke: 3.5 stars
Where the Lilies Bloom by Vera and Bill Cleaver: 3 stars
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley: 2 stars
Sunlight and Shadows (unpublished) by Livi Jane: 4.5 stars
Isle of Swords by Wayne Thomas Batson: 4 stars
Angry Water by Bernard Palmer: 3.5 stars
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson
The Timber Wolf by Paul Hutchens

So, I didn't really do much writing at all this month... I'll just pick something random from a random doc. ;P
Ok, this is from JW!  I had a lot of fun writing this scene:

He walked up the stairs, past five-year-old Katie’s room, and into the bedroom he shared with Joey.  He had just stopped beside the bed and unscrewed the lid of the shaving cream jar when he heard the floor creak behind him.  He whirled around, nearly upsetting the cream, and sighing when he saw his father leaning against the door post.

“You scared me!” He exclaimed in a whisper.

Dad smiled apologetically.  “I wanted to see this,” he whispered back with a smirk.

Joey shrugged, smiled, and turned back to his brother. Joey lay on his back, and one of his hands lay underneath his head, the other flopped out beside him, palm up.  Perfect!  Jerry slowly dipped the spoon into the jar, brought out a dollop of shaving cream, and slowly, carefully, placed the cream on Joey’s outstretched hand.  Now for the feather.  He set the jar and spoon down on the nightstand between the two beds and picked up a feather he had pulled from his pillow the night before.

He turned back to Joey’s bed.  Jerry leaned over the bed, paused and glanced in his father’s direction with a look that said, this is going to be good!  Then tickled Joey’s nose with the feather.
Joey’s eyes fluttered, but never opened.
“Try again,” Dad urged in a whisper.
Jerry tickled Joey’s nose.  This time he got results.
Joey’s hand came up and, on its way to scratching his itching nose, caught Jerry’s chin.  Joey then brought his hand up and rubbed his nose, and promptly dropped back to sleep.


Once in the bathroom, Joey went straight to the mirror and gasped at what he saw, a large grin spreading across his face.  “Hey, look!” he exclaimed.  “I’m Santy Claus!”
Jerry rolled his eyes. “Santa Claus, Joey.”
“Santy Claus.”
“Santa Claus.”
“Santy Claus.”
“Santa Claus.”
Both boys jumped at their father’s warning voice.  Then Jerry grinned slyly and said, “Dad, which do you think it is?  Santa Claus or Santy Claus?”
Dad thought for a moment, then replied, “Neither.”
Jerry grinned triumphantly at Joey.  “See?”
“He never agreed with you, Jerry.”
“But he didn’t agree with you either, which is what I was wanting anyway.”  Jerry smirked mischievously.

The visiting friend that I mentioned can yodel amazingly.
So that kinda got us in a yodeling craze.
We found this:

 I don't know a word that he's saying, but his yodeling blows me away. ;P
Or, if you'd like more of a "normal" video of yodeling:

And there's the month of April in a nutshell. (Speaking of nuts, I had pecan pie for my birthday instead of cake. ^_^)


  1. Happy belated birthday, Kaitlyn!!! :D
    Oh, the lilacs are so pretty! I love those flowers. =)
    I have also read “A Question of Honor” and “Heart of the Wilderness”, both of which I enjoyed.
    I had fun reading about your month!

  2. Happy belated birthday! :) It looks like you had a sweet month! And I love David/Steve. :P

  3. Kaitlyn?? You gave Janette Oke books 3 stars??? :'(

  4. Oh, lilacs are so lovely! I remember spinning around outside in a thunderstorm when I was 15 and the air was full of raindrops and lilacs. I felt like a princess :P .

  5. *flails over the gorg post graphic*
    Hello Steve! XD
    Oh my goodness, those lilacs are SOO pretty. <3
    Lots of books!! I need to read "Sunlight and Shadows" and "Heart of the Wilderness". *approves PFC's comment about the low rating*
    JW... <3 <3 <3 You need to finish that one, btw. *nods*

    Great post, dearie!! :D

    1. OH! And those military songs, yes. *curls up in the corner and bawls*

  6. Those lilacs are so gorgeous!


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